Hi I’m Jo and I founded UK Wearable Crystals in August 2022. I’ve been very much into spirituality for over 6 years and continue to practice my skills. I got into spirituality via a meeting called “Al Anon”, which is for families of alcoholics. It opened my mind up to believing in something outside of myself, which helped my overthinking and analytical mind.

I invested in mindfulness which continued on this theme and eventually ended up in a spiritual group, learning more about spirit and life after death. I’d always been fascinated with death for some reason and used to visit my great grandmothers grave as it gave me some level of comfort. I imagined them connecting with me and talking to me, but I didn’t really trust anything.

My Dad was very anti-religion and so I have become sceptical, it’s been a tough road to trust what is clearly there. Now my Dad is in spirit he realises how wrong he was! He will often connect with me and come through if I ever get a reading from a medium. How funny it is now to think how much he doubted it, now he uses it as a way to communicate with me.

My journey with spirit hasn’t been easy, I’ve felt huge frustration that things weren’t happening quick enough, I was learning or doing it right and at times felt like giving up. Now as I write this it’s December 2024 and I’m in the strongest place I’ve been with spirit than I ever have. It’s bliss.

All I can say to the people that aren’t sure is that it hasn’t made my life worse, quite the opposite. It’s given me relief, abundance in all ways and reassurance. I am currently learning trance mediumship (if you’ve seen the film Ghost, it’s where Patrick Swayze jumps into Whoopi Goldberg’s body to communicate with Demi Moore’s character). I love it! I feel I finally found my thing.

That said, I’ve VERY intuitive and I have a sense of knowing, I’m something called a “Clair-Sentinent” (check out the spirituality page for more on that). Being a clair-sentinent I’m extremely sensitive to others energy, it takes a lot of black tourmaline to keep me protected. I love working with psychometry which is where I hold an item of someone’s (either living or passed) and tune into it to see what I get and give readings to people.

During all my learning I’ve been really drawn to the beauty of crystals, I trained in crystal healing in Jan 2024 and love it, helping to heal others is so fulfilling.

Please do feel free to message me with any questions and follow me on any of my social media platforms.

Good luck on your journey, Jo x